Norrie’s First Day
Season 4, Episode 1 | by James Walsh
What’s it all about?
Norrie skips into the Clubhouse and greets her friends. As they greet her, they reminisce about when they first met and what happened on Norrie’s first day…
Norrie was the first Squirrel to arrive at Squirrel Club. She arrived with her parents and her 72 siblings in a long limousine. Norrie had the Clubhouse all to herself but after a while, she wanted some company. So Duggee introduced Norrie to Enid the cat. Aaah!
This Is The Episode Where…
- Norrie was the first to arrive at Squirrel Club!
- We learn that Norrie has 72 other siblings.
- Norrie enjoys the silence, but gets lonely
- She meets and befriends Sheep, Cow, Frog, Goldfish, Worm and Enid.
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