The Train Badge
Season 2, Episode 14 | by James Henry
What’s it all about?
Duggee is playing with his train set. Choo-choo! It’s amazing!
Be gentle with the toy train, Squirrels! It may be a toy, but it works just like a real train. Ah! Hennie has a train too. You can’t play with it; you have to play IN it Squirrels! Time for a clickety-clack adventure.
This Is The Episode Where…
- Choo! Choo! The Squirrels take a ride in Hennie’s train
- They travel over hills, through woods, past whales and sharks
- Enjoy the Clickety-Clack song
- King Tiger, Lord Fingal and lots of animal friends join them for the ride
Ooooh! The trans-siberian TH3000! That’s a loooooovely model!“
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