A royal crown fit for royal Squirrels. Scroll down for instructions on how to make your own.

A finished hand-crafted Hey Duggee crown made from a paper template with lots of illustrations of characters from the show.

You will need:

Note: Make sure you have a grown up with you to help with scissors and small pieces


  1. Download and print the templates by clicking the button below.
  2. With the help of a grown up, cut out the strips from the template.
  3. Start building the crown with the base. Use some sticky tape or glue to make a the headband. Remember to make sure it fits your head.
  4. Next with the 8 blue strips, attach them to the headband using sticky tape of glue in a criss-cross patten. See image above.
  5. Finish your crown by adding the final piece (the blue circle and red square in template 1) to the top of your crown.
  6. Now proudly pop your crown on your head for all to see, your highness.
Crown template 1