What’s it all about?

Duggee’s old friend Clarence arrives at the Clubhouse but he has lost his Christmas cheer. Can Duggee and the Squirrels help him find it again?

Clarence used to love Christmas, but everything seems to be getting bigger, louder, and faster and it’s quite exhausting! Duggee and the Squirrels put all of their favourite things about Christmas together to make Clarence an extra-special Christmas. Tag makes some Christmas hats, Betty makes Christmas crackers, Tag sings Christmas songs, Norrie makes some delicious food and Roly plays find the Christmas potato. Well done Squirrels, you’ve earned your Christmas Badge!

This Is The Episode Where…

  • The Squirrels make an extra-special Christmas for Clarence
  • Duggee makes a traditional flaming nut roast
  • Clarence realises Christmas is about the little things and gets his Christmas cheer back
  • The Squirrels see Father Christmas flying in the night sky

Christmas pies taste so samey. Especially after the first three million.“


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