The Breakfast Badge
Season 3, Episode 13 | by Jenny Landreth
What’s it all about?
Tag is feeling grumpy because he didn’t eat his breakfast. Luckily, Duggee has his Breakfast Badge, so he can make whatever the Squirrels would like to eat. What will they choose?
The Squirrels all like very different things for breakfast! Different animals eat different foods to give themselves energy and fuel themselves in the mornings. Ah good. Tag has finally eaten his toast and now has the energy to power through the day. Well done Squirrels!
This Is The Episode Where…
- Tag is so tired he mistakes Happy for Roly
- Happy like pancakes for breakfast
- Betty has cereal in the morning
- Roly has kippers for breakfast caught by his grandad
- Norrie’s dad makes a healthy shakshuka for breakfast
I like an international breakfast. Churros and areapas for Nigel.“
John CrabKids learning corner
Breakfast gives you energy for the day ahead. When Tag misses his breakfast he gets grumpy and tired. What’s your favourite breakfast food? Try making a healthy breakfast with the help of a grown-up.
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